Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Things to Consider When Buying Paper Towels

Houses, offices, restaurant, cafes... paper towels can be found in every place today. Whether it is for cleaning a table, wiping wet hands or even wrapping goods, paper towels have become a necessity for people and a day without them is simply difficult to imagine.

Like every other product, paper towels can also have different features that may make them better or not. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Ply Count

When looking to buy paper towels, you will notice that they can range from two-ply to four-ply. Ply refers to the number of layers of paper used. As a rule of thumb, the higher the ply count, the softer, thicker, stronger and more absorbent the paper towel will be.

Recycled vs Virgin

Recycled paper towels are produced with a variety of reused materials while virgin paper towels have no recycled or alternative fibres. If you are a person who cares about the environment (and you should be), you should choose to buy paper towels that are recycled. The process of recycling is much less damaging to the environment and it also helps keep waste away from landfill. However, the fibres can only be recycled four to six times before they become too short and weak, so there'll always be a need for virgin paper. Check the package of the product to find out if it is recycled or not.

Elemental Chlorine-Free

Paper towels are usually bleached to achieve their whiteness. For that, a substance called 'elemental chlorine-free beaching' is used. This substance is known to be harmful not only to the environment but also to our health. When looking to buy paper towels, look for products that have been bleached using chlorine dioxide instead of elemental chlorine to reduce the potential risks associated with these harmful dioxins.

Printed, Scented, Quilted, Embossed

These features serve only for decorative and aesthetic appeal. Whether you choose paper towels with these features or not will come down to your personal preference. However, if you have a sensitivity to perfumes or dyes, you may want to look for a paper towel without them and one that claims to be hypoallergenic.


Online retailers tend to sell paper towels, tissue and toilet paper at touting low prices and convenience. Buying your products in bulk may help you avoid shipping costs. Stocking up when your favourite brand goes on sale is a great way to saving money.

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